Paper Publications
- [1]Du, Z.*, Ng, A.H.-M., Ge, L. (2024). Towards a better understanding of the correlation between the subsidence pattern and land use type. Frontiers in Earth Science, 12, 1434425. (Editorial) (SCI IF: 2.000; 3区).
- [2]Liu, X., Ng, A.H.-M.*, Ge, L., Lei, F., Liao, X. (2024). Multibranch Fusion: A Multibranch Attention Framework by Combining Graph Convolutional Network and CNN for Hyperspectral Image Classification. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 62, 5528817. (SCI IF: 7.500; 1区).
- [3]Ng, A.H.-M., Wen, B., Ma, Y., Guo, L., Wang, H., Ge, L., Du, Z. (2024). Integrating Spatial Modeling-Assisted InSAR Phase Unwrapping with Temporal Analysis for Advanced Mine Subsidence Time Series Mapping. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 133, 104143. (SCI IF: 7.600; 1区 TOP).
- [4]Yang, X., Wang, H.*, Pagli, C., Ng, A.H.-M. (2024). Closure-based correction of InSAR phase unwrapping errors by integrating block-wise Tikhonov regularization and flux analysis. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 62, 5219215. (SCI IF: 7.500; 1区).
- [5]Tang, W., Ng, A.H.-M.*, Wang, H., Kuang, J., & Du, Z. (2024). Surface Subsidence Characteristics and Causes Analysis in Ningbo Plain by Sentinel-1A TS-InSAR. Remote Sensing, 16, 2438.
- [6]Kuang, J., Ge, L., Ng, A.H.-M.*, Clark, S.R., Karimzadeh, S., Matsuoka, M., Du, Z., & Zhang, Q. (2024). Monitoring slope stabilization of a reactivated landslide in the Three Gorges Reservoir Region (China) with multi-source satellite SAR and optical datasets. Landslides, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10346-024-02289-7..
- [7]Zhai, Y., Ng, A.H.-M.*, Luo, Z., Wang, J., Li, L., Xiong, Z., & Wang, H. (2024). Dynamic image segmentation and recognition measurement of axial compression experiment based on image clustering and semantic segmentation in RC column with FRP tubes. Measurement, 227, 114207.
- [8]Guo, B., Deng, L., Wang, R., Guo, W., Ng, A.H.-M.,* Bai, W. (2023). MCTNet: Multiscale Cross-Attention-Based Transformer Network for Semantic Segmentation of Large-Scale Point Cloud. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 61, 1-20..
- [9]Du, Z., McCubbine, J., Garthwaite, M., Brown, N., Ng, A.H.-M.*, Deane, A., & Wang, L.W. (2023). Toward a Wide-Scale Land Subsidence Product in Eastern States of Australia. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 61, 1-12. (SCI IF: 8.2; 1区TOP).
- [10]Ng, A.H.-M., Liu, Z., Du, Z., Huang, H., Wang, H., Ge, L. (2023), A novel framework for combining polarimetric Sentinel-1 InSAR time series in subsidence monitoring - A case study of Sydney, Remote Sensing of Environment, 295, 113694. (SCI IF: 13.8; 1区TOP).
- [11]He, Y., Ng, A.H.-M.*, Wang, H., Kuang, J.(2023), Understanding the Spatiotemporal Characteristics of Land Subsidence and Rebound in the Lianjiang Plain Using Time-Series InSAR with Dual-Track Sentinel-1 Data. Remote Sensing, 2023, 15, 3236. (SCI IF: 5.349; 2区 top).
- [12]Liu, Z., Ng, A.H.-M.*, Wang, H., Chen, J., Du, Z., Ge, L. (2023), Assessment of Land deformation in the West Pearl River Delta area and its influence by geological settings and land use changes revealed by InSAR Time-Series Analysis, International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 118, 103228. (SCI IF: 7.672; 1区TOP).
- [13]Kuang, J., Ng, A.H.-M.*, Ge, L., Metternicht, G.I., Clark, S.R. (2023), Joint Use of Optical and Radar Remote Sensing Data for Characterizing the 2020 Aniangzhai Landslide Post-failure Displacement, Remote Sensing, 15(2), 369..
- [14]Ng, A.H.-M.*, Ge, L., Cheng, M.C., Du, Z. (2023), Geodetic Monitoring for Land Deformation, Remote Sensing, 15(1), 283. (Editorial) (SCI IF: 5.349; 2区TOP).[J].Remote Sensing,2023,15(1):283.
- [15]Du X, Ma R, Xiao M, Song W, Tan Y, Wang Z, Ng AH-M*, Zhang W*, (2022), Integrated electro-coagulation and gravity driven ceramic membrane bioreactor for roofing rainwater purification: Flux improvement and extreme operating case, Science of The Total Environment, 851: 158197. (SCI IF:10.753; 2区).
- [16]Zhang K, Gong FM, Li L, Ng, A.H.-M., Liu PF, (2022), Mapping the Long-Term Evolution of the Post-Event Deformation of the Guang'an Village Landslide, Chongqing, China Using Multibaseline InSAR Techniques, Forests, 13(6): 18. (SCI IF 3.282; 3区).
- [17]Peng, L., Wang, H., Ng, A.H.-M., Yang, X., (2022). SAR Offset Tracking Based on Feature Points. Frontiers in Earth Science, 9, DOI: 10.3389/feart.2021.724965. (SCI IF 3.661; 3区).
- [18]Kuang, J., Ng, A.H.-M.*, Ge, L. (2022). Displacement Characterization and Spatial-Temporal Evolution of the 2020 Aniangzhai Landslide in Danba County Using Time-Series InSAR and Multi-Temporal Optical Dataset. Remote Sensing, 14, 68. (SCI IF: 5.349; 2区).
- [19]Du, Z.Y., Ge, L., Ng, A.H.-M.*, Lian, X.G., Zhu, Q.G.Z. Horgan, F.G., Zhang, Q. (2021). Analysis of the impact of the South-to-North water diversion project on water balance and land subsidence in Beijing, China between 2007 and 2020. Journal of Hydrology, 603(B), 126990. (SCI IF: 6.708; 1区).
- [20]Yan, Y., Yang, Q., Jia, Z., Zhang, X., Dai, H., Ng, A.H.-M.*. (2021). Integration of Multi-band InSAR and Leveling measurements for analyzing the surface subsidence of shield tunneling at Beijing-Zhangzhou high-speed railway. Journal of Sensors, 2021, 6640077. (SCI IF:2.336; 4区).
- [21]Dai, Y., Ng, A.H.-M.*, Wang, H., Li, L., Ge, L., Tao, T. (2021). Modelling-assisted InSAR Phase Unwrapping Method for Mapping Mine Subsidence. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 18, 1059-1063. (SCI IF: 5.343; 2区).
- [22]Du, Z., Ge, L., Ng, A.H.-M., Zhang, Q. (2020). Towards a revised framework of modified time series InSAR for mapping land deformation. Journal of Geodesy, 94, 87. (SCI IF: 4.809; 2区).
- [23]Du, Z., Ge, L., Ng, A.H.-M., Zhu, Q., Horgan, F.G., Zhang, Q. (2020). Risk assessment for tailings dams in Brumadinho of Brazil using InSAR time series approach. Science of the Total Environment, 717, 137125. (SCI IF:10.753; 2区).
- [24]Du, Z., Ge, L.*, Ng, A. H.-M.*, Zhu, Q., Zhang, Q., Kuang, J., Dong, Y. (2019). Long-Term Subsidence in Mexico City from 2004 to 2018 revealed by Five SAR Sensors. Land Degradation and Development, 30, 1785-1801. (SCI IF:4.377; 1区; 被引:1, 他引:1).
- [25]Kuang, J., Ge, L., Metternicht, G., Ng, A. H.-M., Wang, H., Zare, M., Kamranzad, F. (2019). Coseismic deformation and source model of the 12 November 2017 M W 7.3 Kermanshah Earthquake (Iran–Iraq border) investigated through DInSAR measurements. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 40, 532-554. (SCI IF:3.531; 3区; 被引:3, 他引:3).
- [26]Du, Z., Ge, L., Ng, A.H.-M., Zhang, Q., Alamdari, M.M. (2018). Assessment of the Accuracy Among the Common Persistent Scatterer and Distributed Scatterer Based on SqueeSAR Method. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 15, 1877-1881. (SCI IF: 5.343; 2区; 被引:2).
- [27]Du, Z., Ge, L., Ng, A.H.-M., Zhu, Q., Yang, X., Li, L. (2018). Correlating the subsidence pattern and land use in Bandung, Indonesia with both Sentinel-1/2 and ALOS-2 satellite images. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 67, 54-68. (SCI IF: 7.672; 1区 TOP; 被引:13, 他引:11).
- [28]Du, Z., Ge, L., Ng, A.H.-M., & Li, X. (2018). Investigation on mining subsidence over Appin-West Cliff Colliery using time-series Interferometry. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 39, 1528-1547. (SCI IF:3.531; 3区; 被引:3, 他引:3) .
- [29]Du, Z., Ge, L., Ng, A.H.-M., Li, X., & Li, L. (2018). Monitoring of ground deformation in Liulin district, China using InSAR approaches. International Journal of Digital Earth, 11, 264-283. (SCI IF: 4.606 ; 2区; 被引:11, 他引:7).
- [30]Du, Z., Ge, L., Ng, A.H.-M., Li, X., & Li, L. (2018). Mapping land subsidence over the eastern Beijing city using satellite radar interferometry. International Journal of Digital Earth, 11., 504-519. (SCI IF: 4.606 ; 2区; 被引:10, 他引:8).
- [31]Ng, A.H.-M., Wang, H., Dai, Y., Pagli, C., Chen, W., Ge, L., Du, Z., Zhang, K. (2018). InSAR Reveals Land Deformation at Guangzhou and Foshan, China between 2011 and 2017 with COSMO-SkyMed Data. Remote Sensing, 10, 813. (SCI IF: 5.349; 2区; 被引:5, 他引:4).
- [32]Ge, L., Ng, A.H.-M., Du, Z., Chen, H.-Y., & Li, X. (2017). Integrated space geodesy for mapping land deformation over Choushui River Fluvial Plain. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 38, 6319-6345. (SCI IF:3.531; 3区; 被引:3, 他引:2).
- [33]Ng, A.H.-M., Ge, L., Du, Z., Wang, S., & Ma, C. (2017). Satellite radar interferometry for monitoring subsidence induced by longwall mining activity using Radarsat-2, Sentinel-1 and ALOS-2 data. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 61, 92-103. (SCI IF: 7.672; 1区 TOP; 被引:21, 他引:18).
- [34]Wang, H., Liu-Zeng, J., Ng, A.H.-M., Ge, L., Javed, F., Long, F., Aoudia, A., Feng, J., Shao, Z. (2017). Sentinel-1 observations of the 2016 Menyuan earthquake: A buried reverse event linked to the left-lateral Haiyuan fault. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 61, 14-21. (SCI IF: 7.672; 1区 TOP; 被引:27, 他引:26).
- [35]Du, Z., Ge, L., Ng, A.H.-M., & Li, X. (2016). Satellite-based Estimates of Ground Subsidence in Ordos Basin, China. Journal of Applied Geodesy, 11, 9-20. (EI; 被引:6, 他引:3) .
- [36]Du, Z., Ge, L., Li, X., & Ng, A.H.-M. (2016). Subsidence monitoring over the Southern Coalfield, Australia using both L-band and C-band SAR time series analysis. Remote Sensing, 8, 543. (SCI IF: 5.349; 2区; 被引:24, 他引:16).
- [37]Liu, Y., Ge, L, & Ng, A.H.-M. (2016). Source Model from ALOS 2 ScanSAR of the 2015 Nepal Earthquakes. Journal of Applied Geodesy, 10, 109. (EI; 被引: 2).
- [38]Du, Z., Ge, L., Li, X., & Ng, A.H.-M. (2016). Subsidence monitoring in the Ordos basin using integrated SAR differential and time-series interferometry techniques. Remote Sensing Letters, 7, 180-189. (SCI IF: 2.369; 4区; 被引:10, 他引:4).
- [39]Ge, L., Ng, A.H.-M., Li, X., Liu, Y., Du, Z. & Liu, Q. (2015). Near real-time satellite mapping of the 2015 Gorkha earthquake, Nepal. Annals of GIS, 21, 175-190. .
- [40]Ng, A.H.-M., Ge, L., & Li, X. (2015). Assessments of Land Subsidence in the Gippsland Basin of Australia Using ALOS PALSAR Data. Remote Sensing of Environment, 159, 86-101. (SCI IF: 13.850; 1区 Top; 被引:28, 他引:18).
- [41]Ge, L., Ng, A.H.-M., Li, X., Abidin, H.Z., & Gumilar, I. (2014). Land subsidence characteristics of Bandung Basin as revealed by ENVISAT ASAR and ALOS PALSAR interferometry. Remote Sensing of Environment, 154, 46-60. (SCI IF: 13.850; 1区 Top; 被引:38, 他引:19).
- [42]Yan, Y.-G., Dai, H.-Y., Ge, L., Guo, J.-T., Ng, A.H.-M., & Li, X. (2014). Numerical simulation of dynamic surface deformation based on DInSAR monitoring. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 24, 1248-1254. (SCI IF: 3.752; 2区; 被引: 1).
- [43]Zhang, K., Ge, L., Li, X. & Ng, A.H.-M. (2013). A robust regression based linear model adjustment method for SAR interferogram stacking techniques. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 34, 5651-5665. (SCI IF:3.531; 3区; 被引:1).
- [44]Zhang, K., Ge, L., Li, X. & Ng, A.H.-M. (2013). Monitoring ground surface deformation over the North China Plain using coherent ALOS PALSAR differential interferograms. Journal of Geodesy, 87, 253-265. (SCI IF: 4.809; 2区; 被引:18, 他引:7).
- [45]Chu, H.T., Ge, L., Ng, A.H.-M., & Rizos, C. (2012). Application of the Genetic Algorithm and Support Vector Machine in land cover classification using multisource satellite imagery. International Journal of Remote Sensing Application, 2, 1-11. .
- [46]Ng, A.H.-M., Ge, L., Li, X., Abidin, H.Z., Andreas, H. & Zhang, K. (2012). Mapping land subsidence in the Jakarta City, Indonesia using persistent scatterer interferometry (PSI) technique with ALOS PALSAR. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 18, 232 - 242. (SCI IF: 7.672; 1区 TOP; 被引:63, 他引:46).
- [47]Ng, A.H.-M., Ge, L., Li, X. & Zhang, K. (2012). Monitoring ground deformation in Beijing, China with Persistent Scatterer SAR Interferometry. Journal of Geodesy, 86, 375 - 392. (SCI IF: 4.809; 2区; 被引:61, 他引:44).
- [48]Ng, A.H.-M., Ge, L., Zhang, K. & Li, X. (2012). Estimating horizontal and vertical movement due to underground mining using ALOS PALSAR. Engineering Geology, 143 - 144, 18 - 27. (SCI IF: 6.902; 1区; 被引:24, 他引:21).
- [49]Yan, Y., Dai, H., Ge, L., Ng, A.H.-M. & Li, X. (2012). Calculation revision method of advanced influence angles in subsidence area based on DInSAR. Journal of Shenzhen University Science and Engineering, 29, 290 – 294. (EI).
- [50]Yan, Y., Dai, H., Ge, L., Ng, A.H.-M. & Li, X. (2012). Problem of dynamic of monitoring subsidence feature points missed by DInSAR technology. Meitan Xuebao/Journal of the China Coal Society, 37, 2038-2042. (EI).
Alex Hay Man Ng
 PostalAddress:100 Waihuan Xi Rd, Panyu District, Guangzhou, P.R. China, 510006