Ng, A.H.-M., Ge, L., Zhang, K. & Li, X. (2012). Estimating horizontal and vertical movement due to underground mining using ALOS PALSAR. Engineering Geology, 143 - 144, 18 - 27. (SCI IF: 6.902; 1区; 被引:24, 他引:21)
Pre One:Ng, A.H.-M., Ge, L., Li, X. & Zhang, K. (2012). Monitoring ground deformation in Beijing, China with Persistent Scatterer SAR Interferometry. Journal of Geodesy, 86, 375 - 392. (SCI IF: 4.809; 2区; 被引:61, 他引:44) Next One:Yan, Y., Dai, H., Ge, L., Ng, A.H.-M. & Li, X. (2012). Calculation revision method of advanced influence angles in subsidence area based on DInSAR. Journal of Shenzhen University Science and Engineering, 29, 290 – 294. (EI)
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