Scientific Research
Research Field
Satellite Remote Sensing Image Analysis and Applications
Expertise in the utilization of satellite remote sensing technologies for environmental and geospatial analysis.
Development and implementation of advanced image processing techniques to enhance data interpretation and application.
InSAR Algorithm and Software Development
Proficient in the design and development of Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) algorithms.
Creation of robust software solutions for the analysis and visualization of InSAR data to monitor ground deformation.
Ground Subsidence Monitoring and Modeling
Specialization in the use of remote sensing and geospatial tools to monitor and model ground subsidence phenomena.
Integration of multi-temporal data sources to assess subsidence impacts and predict future trends.
Image Classification
Advanced skills in image classification techniques to categorize and interpret various land cover and land use types.
Application of machine learning and artificial intelligence methods to improve classification accuracy and efficiency.
Paper Publications
Du, Z.*, Ng, A.H.-M., Ge, L. (2024). Towards a better understanding of the correlation between the subsidence pattern and land use type. Frontiers in Earth Science, 12, 1434425. (Editorial) (SCI IF: 2.000; 3区).
Liu, X., Ng, A.H.-M.*, Ge, L., Lei, F., Liao, X. (2024). Multibranch Fusion: A Multibranch Attention Framework by Combining Graph Convolutional Network and CNN for Hyperspectral Image Classification. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 62, 5528817. (SCI IF: 7.500; 1区).
Ng, A.H.-M., Wen, B., Ma, Y., Guo, L., Wang, H., Ge, L., Du, Z. (2024). Integrating Spatial Modeling-Assisted InSAR Phase Unwrapping with Temporal Analysis for Advanced Mine Subsidence Time Series Mapping. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 133, 104143. (SCI IF: 7.600; 1区 TOP).
Yang, X., Wang, H.*, Pagli, C., Ng, A.H.-M. (2024). Closure-based correction of InSAR phase unwrapping errors by integrating block-wise Tikhonov regularization and flux analysis. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 62, 5219215. (SCI IF: 7.500; 1区).
Tang, W., Ng, A.H.-M.*, Wang, H., Kuang, J., & Du, Z. (2024). Surface Subsidence Characteristics and Causes Analysis in Ningbo Plain by Sentinel-1A TS-InSAR. Remote Sensing, 16, 2438.
Kuang, J., Ge, L., Ng, A.H.-M.*, Clark, S.R., Karimzadeh, S., Matsuoka, M., Du, Z., & Zhang, Q. (2024). Monitoring slope stabilization of a reactivated landslide in the Three Gorges Reservoir Region (China) with multi-source satellite SAR and optical datasets. Landslides, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10346-024-02289-7..
Published Books
Research Projects
"Retrieving Precise Deformation Time-Series by Joint Analysis of Multi-Source InSAR Datasets” (42274016), Natural Science Foundation of China, 2023-2026, Chief Investigator.,
Study of polarimetric-assisted time-series interferometric SAR technique for land deformation detection and target characterization” (ER3A2N066). The third Research Announcement on the Earth Observations (EO-RA3), Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), 2022-2025, Chief Investigator.,
"Time-series InSAR for mine subsidence monitoring and modelling” (2021A1515011483), Natural Science Foundation of Guangdong Province, 2021-2023, Chief Investigator. (CYN: 100k),
"Guangdong Forestry Science Data Center" (2021B12121000004), Science and Technology Plan Project of Guangdong Province: Infrastructure Construction Projects, 2021-2024, Co-Investigator. (CYN: 3M),
"Polarimetric InSAR Time Series Analysis Method and its application in monitoring Guangzhou-Foshan metro systems” (201904010254), Guangzhou Scientific Research Program, 2019-2021, Chief Investigator. (CYN: 200k),
Alex Hay Man Ng

 PostalAddress:100 Waihuan Xi Rd, Panyu District, Guangzhou, P.R. China, 510006