Ng, A.H.-M.*, Ge, L., Cheng, M.C., Du, Z. (2023), Geodetic Monitoring for Land Deformation, Remote Sensing, 15(1), 283. (Editorial) (SCI IF: 5.349; 2区TOP)
Pre One:Kuang, J., Ng, A.H.-M.*, Ge, L., Metternicht, G.I., Clark, S.R. (2023), Joint Use of Optical and Radar Remote Sensing Data for Characterizing the 2020 Aniangzhai Landslide Post-failure Displacement, Remote Sensing, 15(2), 369. Next One:Du X, Ma R, Xiao M, Song W, Tan Y, Wang Z, Ng AH-M*, Zhang W*, (2022), Integrated electro-coagulation and gravity driven ceramic membrane bioreactor for roofing rainwater purification: Flux improvement and extreme operating case, Science of The Total Environment, 851: 158197. (SCI IF:10.753; 2区)
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