Dai, Y., Ng, A.H.-M.*, Wang, H., Li, L., Ge, L., Tao, T. (2021). Modelling-assisted InSAR Phase Unwrapping Method for Mapping Mine Subsidence. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 18, 1059-1063. (SCI IF: 5.343; 2区)
Pre One:Yan, Y., Yang, Q., Jia, Z., Zhang, X., Dai, H., Ng, A.H.-M.*. (2021). Integration of Multi-band InSAR and Leveling measurements for analyzing the surface subsidence of shield tunneling at Beijing-Zhangzhou high-speed railway. Journal of Sensors, 2021, 6640077. (SCI IF:2.336; 4区) Next One:Du, Z., Ge, L., Ng, A.H.-M., Zhang, Q. (2020). Towards a revised framework of modified time series InSAR for mapping land deformation. Journal of Geodesy, 94, 87. (SCI IF: 4.809; 2区)
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