- [1] Siya Lu(学生), Dongdong Liu* (通讯作者), Seak-Weng Vong. Preconditioned iterative methods with Anderson acceleration for solving multilinear PageRank and applications. Calcolo, accepted.
- [2] Liu Dongdong, Li Wen, Vong Seak-Vong, Li Jiaofen, Chen Yannan, Riemannian Conjugate Gradient algorithms for solving ${\bm{\lambda}}$-Approximation of Stochastic Tensors and Applications,Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications,accepted.
- [3] 任欢欢(学生),刘冬冬*(通讯作者),基于预处理分裂迭代算法求解 t积下的张量方程组,工程数学学报,接收.
- [4] Jiang Haochen(学生),Liu Dongdong*(通讯作者), Wu xianping ,Yang Xu,Accelerated Kaczmarz methods via randomized sketch techniques for solving consistent linear systems, submitted.
- [5] Chang jingya, Liu Dongdong, Xi Min, A gradient projection method for semi-supervised hypergraph clustering problems,Pacific Journal of Optimization,accepted..
- [6] 唐舒婷,邓秀勤,刘冬冬*(通讯作者),基于分裂迭代算法求解多重线性PageRank问题. 计算数学, 2024, 46(03): 272-290..
- [7] Hu Ting(学生), Liu Dongdong*(通讯作者), Seak-Weng Vong, Several modulus-based methods for solving third-order tensor linear complementarity problems and applications, submitted.
- [8] Xifu Liu, Dongdong Liu*(通讯作者),Yaping Shi, Perturbation bounds for the largest C-eigenvalue of piezoelectric-type tensors[J]. Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society, 2023, 46(6): 194..
- [9] Liu Dongdong, Hu Ting, Liu Xifu*, Restarted Nonnegativity Preserving Tensor Splitting Methods via Relaxed Anderson Acceleration for Solving Multilinear Systems. Commun. Appl. Math. Comput. (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s42967-024-00439-1.
- [10] Dongdong Liu, Seak-Weng Vong, Li Shen, Improved uniqueness conditions of solution for multilinear PageRank and its application, Linear and Multilinear Algebra, online,https://doi.org/10.1080/03081087.2022.2158292..
- [11] Liu Dongdong, Li Wen*, Vong Seakweng. The tensor splitting with application to solve multi-linear systems[J]. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 2018, 330: 75-94.(ESI高被引).
- [12] Liu Dongdong, Li Wen*, Vong Seakweng. Tensor complementarity problems: the GUS-property and an algorithm[J]. Linear and Multilinear Algebra, 2018, 66(9): 1726-1749.(ESI高被引).
- [13] Liu Dongdong, Li Wen*, Vong Seakweng. A new preconditioned SOR method for solving multi-linear systems with an M-tensor. Calcolo, 2020, 57(15). Online. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10092-020-00364-8.
- [14] Liu Dongdong, Li Wen*, Vong Seakweng. Relaxation methods for solving the tensor equation arising from the higher‐order Markov chains[J]. Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications, 2019, 26(5): e2260..
- [15] Liu Dongdong, Li Wen*, Ng Michael Kwok-Po, Vong Seakweng. Uniqueness and perturbation bounds for sparse non-negative tensor equations[J]. Frontiers of Mathematics in China, 2018, 13(4): 849-874..
- [16] Li Wen, Liu Dongdong*(通讯作者), Vong Seakweng. Comparison results for splitting iterations for solving multi-linear systems[J]. Applied Numerical Mathematics, 2018, 134: 105-121..
- [17] Li Wen*, Liu Dongdong, Vong Seakweng. Z-eigenpair bounds for an irreducible nonnegative tensor[J]. Linear Algebra and its Applications, 2015, 483: 182-199..
- [18] Li Wen, Liu Dongdong*(通讯作者), Vong Seakweng, Xiao Mingqing. Multilinear PageRank: Uniqueness, error bound and perturbation analysis[J]. Applied Numerical Mathematics, 2020, 156: 584-607..
- [19] Vong Seakweng, Shi Chenyang*, Liu Dongdong. Improved exponential stability criteria of time-delay systems via weighted integral inequalities[J]. Applied Mathematics Letters, 2018, 86: 14-21..
- [20] Li Wen*, Liu Dongdong, Ng Michael Kwok-Po, Vong Seakweng. The uniqueness of multilinear PageRank vectors[J]. Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications, 2017, 24(6): e2107..
- [21] 刘冬冬, 陈艳美, 黎稳*. 关于正规矩阵对广义特征值新的扰动界限[J]. 计算数学, 2015, 37(2): 113-122..
- [22] Vong Seakweng*, Liu Dongdong. An inertial Mann algorithm for nonexpansive mappings[J]. Journal of Fixed Point Theory and Applications, 2018, 20(3): 102..
- [23] Bi Peihuan, Li Wen*, Liu Dongdong, Xiao Mingqing, The projected Newton iteration approach for computing the nonnegative Z-eigenpairs of nonnegative tensors, CSIAM Transactions on Applied Mathematics, V(2),376-392,2021..
- [24] Liu Dongdong, Li Wen , Chen Yannan , Cyclic Stationary Probability Distribution of Second Order Markov Chains and its Applications, Pacific Journal of Optimization,17(3):415-432, 2021..
- 副教授
硕士生导师 - 教师拼音名称:Liu Dongdong
- 所在单位:数学与统计学院
- 联系方式:ddliu@gdut.edu.cn
- 学位:哲学博士学位
- 职称:副教授
- 在职信息:在职
- 学科:应用数学
- 2021年两年荣获广东省全国大学生数学建模竞赛优秀指导教师。
- 2020年荣获广东省全国大学生数学建模竞赛优秀指导教师。
- 2023-06-152023年广东工业大学优秀共产党员
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