1. Hao Xiao, Nian Cai*, Huiheng Wang, Yadong Mao, Han Wang*, Jian Li, Ping Wang. Brain MR image super-resolution via a deep convolutional neural network with multi-unit upsampling learning. Signal, Image and Video Processing, 2020.
2. Wenjie Chen, Nian Cai*, Huiheng Wang, Jianfa Lin, Han Wang. Automatic optical inspection system for IC solder joint based on local-to-global ensemble learning. Soldering & Surface Mount Technology, 2020.
3. Jixiu Wu, Nian Cai*, Feiyang Li, Huiwen Jiang, Han Wang. Automatic detonator code recognition via deep neural network. Expert Systems with Applications, Vol. 145, May 2020, 113121: 1-14.
4. Guandong Cen, Nian Cai*, Jixiu Wu, Feiyang Li, Han Wang, Guotian Wang. Detonator coded character spotting based on convolutional neural networks. Signal, Image and Video Processing, Feb. 2020, 14 (1): 67–75.
5. Xiaorui Fu, Nian Cai*, Kemin Huang, Huiheng Wang, Ping Wang*, Chengcheng Liu, Han Wang. M-Net: A novel U-Net with multi-stream feature fusion and multi-scale dilated convolutions for bile ducts and hepatolith segmentation. IEEE Access, Oct. 2019, 7 (1): 148645-148657.
6. Jixiu Wu, Nian Cai*, Wenjie Chen, Huiheng Wang, Guotian Wang. Automatic detection of hardhats worn by construction personnel: a deep learning approach and benchmark dataset. Automation in Construction, Oct. 2019, 106: Article 102894, 1-7.
7. Qian Ye, Nian Cai*, Hao Xia, Guandong Cen, Xindu Chen, Han Wang. An effective optimization scheme for ECG signal denoising via low-rank matrix decomposition. Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing, Jan. 2019, 38 (1): 138-152.
8. Qian Ye, Nian Cai*, Jiaming Li, Feiyang Li, Han Wang, Xindu Chen. IC solder joint inspection based on an adaptive-template method. IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology, June 2018, 8 (6): 1121-1127.
9. Nian Cai*, Guandong Cen, Jixiu Wu, Feiyang Li, Han Wang, Xindu Chen. SMT solder joint inspection via a novel cascaded convolutional neural network. IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology, Apr. 2018, 8 (4): 670-677, .
10. Fu Zhang, Nian Cai*, Jixiu Wu, Guandong Cen, Han Wang, Xindu Chen. Image denoising method based on a deep convolution neural network. IET Image Processing, Apr. 2018, 12 (4): 485-493. .
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