238教师英文名称:Haochuan Zhang
教师拼音名称:Haochuan Zhang


- Q. Zou,张浩川*,H. Yang,Expectation-Maximization-Aided Hybrid Generalized Expectation Consistent for Sparse Signal Reconstruction.IEEE Signal Processing Letters,2021,
- Qiuyun Zou,张浩川*,Hongwen Yang,Donghong Cai,A Low-Complexity Joint User Activity, Channel and Data Estimation for Grant-Free Massive MIMO Systems.IEEE Signal Processing Letters,2020,
- Chen Qun,张浩川*,Hybrid model for compressive image recovery: Integrating ResNet-based denoiser into GAMP.Signal Processing,2020,
- 张浩川,Identical fixed points in state evolutions of AMP and VAMP.Signal Processing,2020,
- Qiuyun Zou,张浩川*,Hongwen Yang,Donghong Cai,Message passing based joint channel and user activity estimation for uplink grant-free massive MIMO systems with low-precision ADCs.SIGNAL PROCESSING LETTERS,2020,
- Qiuyun Zou,张浩川*,Rong Yu,Shi Jin,Chao-Kai Wen,Concise derivation for generalized approximate message passing using expectation propagation.SIGNAL PROCESSING LETTERS,2018,
- 张浩川,Dacheng Yang,Xin Zhang,Matthew R. McKay,Shi Jin,High-SNR Performance of MIMO Multi-Channel Beamforming in Double-Scattering Channels.IEEE Transactions on Communications,2010,
- 张浩川,D. Yang,X. Zhang,M. R. McKay,S. Jin,Connections between OSTBC and MIMO BF in General Fading Channels.IEEE International Conference on Communications,2010,
- 张浩川,Dacheng Yang,Matthew R. McKay,MIMO multi-channel beamforming in double-scattering channels.IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing,2009,
- 张浩川,Dacheng Yang,Hongwen Yang,Fangfang Niu,Polynomial PDF of the Smallest Eigenvalue of Complex Central Wishart Matrix with Correlation at the Side with the Smallest Number of Antennas.IEEE Communications Letters,2008,