Ge, L., Li, X., Chang, H.C., Ng, A.H.-M., Zhang, K., & Hu, Z. (2010). Impact of Ground Subsidence on the Beijing - Tianjin High-Speed Railway as Mapped by Radar Interferometry. Annals of GIS, 16, 91-102.
Pre One:Zhang, K., Ge, L., Hu, Z., Ng, A.H.-M., Li, X. & Rizos, C. (2011). Phase Unwrapping for Very Large Interferometric Data Sets. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 49, 4048 - 4061. (SCI IF: 8.125; 2区 Top; 被引:21, 他引:18) Next One:Ng, A.H.-M., Ge, L., Yan, Y., Li, X., Chang, H.C., Zhang, K. & Rizos, C. (2010). Mapping accumulated mine subsidence using small stack of SAR differential interferograms in the Southern coalfield of New South Wales, Australia. Engineering Geology, 115, 1-15. (SCI IF: 6.902; 1区; 被引: 60)
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