Ge, L., Zhang, K., Ng, A.H.-M., Dong, Y., Chang, H.C. & Rizos, C. (2008). Preliminary results of satellite radar interferometry for the co-seismic deformation of the 12 May 2008 Ms8.0 Wenchuan earthquake. Journal of Geographic Information Science, 14, 12-19. [Note the name of this journal changed to Annals of GIS after 2008]
Pre One:Ng, A.H.-M., Chang, H.C., Ge, L., Rizos, C. & Omura, M. (2009). Assessment of radar interferometry performance for ground subsidence monitoring due to underground mining. Earth Planets and Space, 61, 733-745. (SCI IF: 3.362; 3区; 被引:50, 他引:38)
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