“Application of radar remote sensing in hazard monitoring” (1107/220418153), One-Hundred Talents Grant, Guangdong University of Technology, 2018-2023, Chief Investigator. (CYN: 3M)
Pre One:"Deveopment of earth-observation techniques for hazard detection and mitigation” (1107/402180078), National Young Talent Program, 2018-2022, Chief Investigator. Next One:"Polarimetric-assisted Multi-baseline InSAR analysis for investigating ground deformation in Guangdong Province” (2018A030310538), Natural Science Foundation of Guangdong Province, 2018-2021, Chief Investigator. (CYN: 100k)
PostalAddress:100 Waihuan Xi Rd, Panyu District, Guangzhou, P.R. China, 510006