Anbo Meng, Jinbei Li, Hao Yin, An efficient crisscross optimization solution to large-scale non-convex economic load dispatch with multiple fuel types and valve-point effects, Energy, Volume 113, 15 October 2016, Pages 1147-1161 (SCI一区)
Release time:2022-04-11 Hits:
Translation or Not:no
Pre One:Anbo Meng, Jiafei Ge, Hao Yin, Sizhe Chen, Wind speed forecasting based on wavelet packet decomposition and artificial neural networks trained by crisscross optimization algorithm, Energy Conversion and Management, Volume 114, 15 April 2016, Pages 75-88(SCI一区ESI-高被引论文)
Next One:Anbo Meng, Zhuan Li, Hao Yin, Sizhe Chen, Zhuangzhi Guo, Accelerating particle swarm optimization using crisscross search, Information Sciences, Volume 329, 1 February 2016, Pages 52-72(SCI一区,ESI-热点论文)