- 硕士生导师
- 教师英文名称:He Chang
- 所在单位:环境科学与工程学院
- 性别:男
- 联系方式:c.he@gdut.edu.cn
- 在职信息:在职
- 所属院系:环境科学与工程学院
- 学科:环境科学
- 学术荣誉: 广东省杰出青年基金获得者
- 邮箱:c.he@gdut.edu.cn
- Shaoyu Tang,Hao Liu,Hua Yin*, Xintong Liu, Hui Peng, Guining Lu, Zhi Dang, Chang He,Effect of 2,2’,4,4’-tetrabromodiphenyl ether (BDE-47) and its metabolites on cell viability, oxidative stress, and apoptosis of HepG2.Chemosphere,2018,(193):978-988.
- 王会霞,马玉龙,李光耀,金军*,何畅,李秋旭,王英,黄河流域有机氯农药的浓度水平及污染特征.环境科学与技术,2017,(40):160-166.
- Qiuxu Li,Jun Jin*,Yao Lu, Guangyao Li, Chang He, Ying Wang, Peng Li,Jicheng Hu,Polybrominated diphenyl ethers and new polybrominated flame retardants in tree bark from western areas of China.Environmental Toxicology & Chemistry,2016,(35):1364-1370.
- Qiuxu Li,Yao Lu,Jun Jin*, Guangyao Li, Peng Li, Chang He, Ying Wang,Comparison of using polyurethane foam passive samplers and tree bark samples from Western China to determine atmospheric organochlorine pesticide.Journal of Environmental Sciences,2016,(41):90-98.
- 孙一鸣,徐萌,李光耀,何畅,王英,田旸,金军*,凝胶渗透色谱-气相色谱-质谱法测定人乳中卤代有机化合物.化学通报,2015,(78):170-176.
- 李秋旭,何畅,马召辉,马丽花,扎西卓玛,王英,金军*,青海省西宁市和天峻县大气颗粒物中有机氯农药和类二噁英多氯联苯的水平与分布.环境科学,2015,(36):402-407.
- 李光耀,金军*,何畅,王英,马召辉,李明圆,黄河表层沉积物中类二噁英多氯联苯水平分布.环境科学,2014,(35):3358-3364.
- Songjie He,Mingyuan Li,Jun Jin*, Ying Wang, Chang He, Yunjie Bu, Yang Tian,Determination of new halogenated flame retardants in human serum by gel permeation chromatography-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry.Chinese Journal of Analytical Chemistry,2012,(40):1519-1523.