- 硕士生导师
- 教师英文名称:He Chang
- 所在单位:环境科学与工程学院
- 性别:男
- 联系方式:c.he@gdut.edu.cn
- 在职信息:在职
- 所属院系:环境科学与工程学院
- 学科:环境科学
- 学术荣誉: 广东省杰出青年基金获得者
- 邮箱:c.he@gdut.edu.cn
- Andrew Banks*,Xianyu Wang, Michelle Engelsman, Chang He, Andres Osorio, Jochen Mueller,Assessing decontamination and laundering processes for the removal of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and flame retardants from firefighting uniforms.Environmental Research,2021,(194):110616.
- Zhineng Wu*,Chang He, Wei Han, Jie Song, Huijun Li, Yadi Zhang, Xiaohua Jing, Weidong Wu,Exposure pathways, levels and toxicity of polybrominated diphenyl ethers in humans: A review.Environmental Research,2020,(187):109531.
- Xiaofei Song,Qiongfang Zhou,Shaoyu Tang*, Tianfa Xie, Zhiyuan Chen, Zhijun Zang, Yanan Zhang, Xiaojun Niu, Hua Yin, Feng Zeng, Chang He,Concentrations of phthalate metabolites in blood and semen and the potential effects on semen concentration and motility among residents of the Pearl River Delta region in China.Emerging Contaminants,2020,(6):39-43.
- Andrew Banks*,Michelle Engelsman, Chang He, Xianyu Wang, Jochen F. Mueller,The occurrence of PAHs and flame-retardants in air and dust from Australian fire stations..International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene,2020,(17):73-84.
- Louise M. van Mourik*,Leisa-Maree L. Toms, Chang He, Andrew Banks, Peter Hobson, Pim E.G. Leonards, Jacob de Boer, Jochen F. Mueller,Evaluating age and temporal trends of chlorinated paraffins in pooled serum collected from males in Australia between 2004 and 2015.Chemosphere,2020,(444):125574.
- Shaofeng Sui,Jack Ng, Yanxin Gao, Cheng Peng, Chang He, Guoling Wang,Zhiyan Liu*,Pollution characteristics and chronic health risk assessment of metals and metalloids in ambient PM2.5 in Licheng District, Jinan, China.Environmental Geochemistry and Health,2020,(42):1803-1815.
- Karin English*,Yan Li, Paul Jagals, Robert S. Ware, Xianyu Wang, Chang He, Jochen F. Mueller, Peter D. Sly,Development of a questionnaire-based insecticide exposure assessment method and comparison with urinary insecticide biomarkers in young Australian children.Environmental Research,2019,(178):108613.
- Xianyu Wang*,Andrew Banks, Chang He, Christie Gallen, Daniel Drage, Yan Li, Qingbo Li, Phong Thai, Jochen F. Mueller,Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, polychlorinated biphenyls and legacy and current pesticides in indoor environment in Australia - occurrence, sources and exposure risks.Science of Total Environment,2019,(693):133588.
- Yan Li*,Xianyu Wang, Leisa-Maree L. Toms, Chang He, Peter Hobson, Peter D. Sly, Jochen F. Mueller,Pesticide Metabolite Concentrations in Queensland Pre-schoolers – Exposure Trends Related to Age and Sex Using Urinary Biomarkers.Environmental Research,2019,(176):108532.
- Xiaofei Song,Shaoyu Tang, Haimin Zhu, Zhiyuan Chen, Zhijun Zang, Yanan Zhang, Xiaojun Niu, Xiaojun Wang, Hua Yin,Feng Zeng*, Chang He,Biomonitoring PFAAs in blood and semen samples: Investigation of a potential link between PFAAs exposure and semen mobility in China.Environment International,2018,(113):50-54.