- 硕士生导师
- 教师英文名称:He Chang
- 所在单位:环境科学与工程学院
- 性别:男
- 联系方式:c.he@gdut.edu.cn
- 在职信息:在职
- 所属院系:环境科学与工程学院
- 学科:环境科学
- 学术荣誉: 广东省杰出青年基金获得者
- 邮箱:c.he@gdut.edu.cn
1. 新型有机污染物基于液相/气相色谱-高分辨质谱的分析方法开发
2. 有机污染物的人体暴露途径及其与健康的关系
3. 有机污染物的环境分布、转化与生物富集
4. 有机污染物在人体中的代谢产物与生物标志物的鉴定
5. 新型被动式采样技术的开发与在环境中的应用
6. 新型有机污染物非靶标分析
- Chang He*,Louise van Mourik, Sicco Brandsman, Phong Thai, Xianyu Wang, Shuo Chen, Kevin Thomas, Jochen Mueller.,Semi-quantitative characterization of bromo-chloro paraffins and olefins in the Australian environment.Environmental Science & Technology,2022,(56):12452-12459.
- Chang He*,Louise van Mourik, Shaoyu Tang, Phong Thai, Xianyu Wang, Sicco H. Brandsma, Pim E.G. Leonards, Kevin V. Thomas, Jochen F. Mueller.,In vitro biotransformation and evaluation of potential transformation products of chlorinated paraffins by high resolution accurate mass spectrometry.Journal of Hazardous Materials,2021,(405):124245.
- Shaoyu Tang,Chang He*, Phong K. Thai, Amy Heffernan, Soumini Vijayasarathy, Leisa Toms, Kristie Thompson, Peter Hobson, Benjamin J. Tscharke, Jake W. O’Brien, Kevin V. Thomas, Jochen F. Mueller,Urinary concentrations of bisphenols in Australian population and their association with the per capita mass load in wastewater.Environmental Sciences & Technology,2020,(54):10141−10148.
- Chang He*,Sicco Brandsma, Hui Jiang, Jake O’Brien, Louise M. van Mourik, Andrew Banks, Xianyu Wang, Phong Thai, Jochen F. Mueller,Chlorinated paraffins in indoor dust from Australia: Levels, congener patterns and preliminary assessment of human exposure.Science of the Total Environment,2019,(682):318-323.
- Chang He*,Xianyu Wang, Shaoyu Tang, Phong Thai, Zongrui Li, Christine Baduel, Jochen F. Mueller.,Concentration of organophosphate esters and their specific metabolites in food in southeast Queensland, Australia: is dietary exposure an important pathway of organophosphate esters and their metabolites?.Environmental Science & Technology,2018,(52):12765-12773.
- Chang He#*,Karin English#, Christine Baduel, Phong Thai, Paul Jagals, Robert S. Ware, Yan Li, Xianyu Wang, Peter D. Sly, Jochen F. Mueller,Concentrations of organophosphate flame retardants and plasticizers in urine from young children in Queensland, Australia and associations with environmental and behavioural factors..Environmental Research,2018,(164):262-270.
- Chang He*,Leisa-Maree L. Toms, Phong Thai, Nele van den Eede, Xianyu Wang, Yan Li, Christine Baduel, Fiona A. Harden, Amy L. Heffernan, Peter Hobson, Adrian Covaci, Jochen F. Mueller,Urinary metabolites of organophosphate flame retardants: concentrations and age trends in Australian children.Environment International,2018,(111):124-130.
- Chang He*,Xianyu Wang, Phong Thai, Christine Baduel, Christie Gallen, Andrew Banks, Paul Bainton, Karin English, Jochen F. Mueller,Organophosphate and brominated flame retardants and plasticizers in Australian indoor environments: levels, sources and preliminary assessment of human exposure..Environmental Pollution,2018,(235):670-679.
- Chang He*,Xianyu Wang, Phong Thai, Jochen F. Mueller, Christie Gallen, Yan Li, Christine Baduel.,Development and validation of a multi-residue method for the analysis of brominated and organophosphate flame retardants in indoor dust.Talanta,2017,(164):503-510.
- Chang He,Jun Jin*, Guangyao Li, Ying Wang,Exchange of organohalogen compounds between air and tree bark in the Yellow River region.Chemosphere,2016,(153):478-484.
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