
Matlab Codes

Matlab programs for the rank-one decomposition theorems are available at


(type the link in your browser). The rank-one matrix decompostion theorems stem from the following papers:

  1. Jos F. Sturm and Shuzhong Zhang," On Cones of Nonnegative Quadratic Functions," Mathematics of Operations Research, Vol. 28, pp 246-267, 2003

  2. Yongwei Huang and Shuzhong Zhang, "Complex Matrix Decomposition and Quadratic Programming," Mathematics of Operations Research, Vol. 32, No. 3, pp. 758-768, 2007.

  3. Wenbao Ai, Yongwei Huang, and Shuzhong Zhang, "New Results on Hermitian Matrix Rank-One Decomposition," Mathematical Programming: Series A, Vol. 128, No. 1-2, pp. 253-283, June 2011.

  4. Wenbao Ai and Shuzhong Zhang, "Strong Duality for the CDT Subproblem: A Necessary and Sufficient Condition," SIAM Journal on Optimization, Vol. 19, 1735-1756, 2009. 

  • Yongwei Huang
Guangdong University of Technology Tel:020-39323866
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