Paper Publications
- [1]Chang He*,Louise van Mourik, Sicco Brandsman, Phong Thai, Xianyu Wang, Shuo Chen, Kevin Thomas, Jochen Mueller.,Semi-quantitative characterization of bromo-chloro paraffins and olefins in the Australian environment.Environmental Science & Technology,2022,(56):12452-12459.
- [2]Chang He*,Louise van Mourik, Shaoyu Tang, Phong Thai, Xianyu Wang, Sicco H. Brandsma, Pim E.G. Leonards, Kevin V. Thomas, Jochen F. Mueller.,In vitro biotransformation and evaluation of potential transformation products of chlorinated paraffins by high resolution accurate mass spectrometry.Journal of Hazardous Materials,2021,(405):124245.
- [3]Shaoyu Tang,Chang He*, Phong K. Thai, Amy Heffernan, Soumini Vijayasarathy, Leisa Toms, Kristie Thompson, Peter Hobson, Benjamin J. Tscharke, Jake W. O’Brien, Kevin V. Thomas, Jochen F. Mueller,Urinary concentrations of bisphenols in Australian population and their association with the per capita mass load in wastewater.Environmental Sciences & Technology,2020,(54):10141−10148.
- [4]Chang He*,Sicco Brandsma, Hui Jiang, Jake O’Brien, Louise M. van Mourik, Andrew Banks, Xianyu Wang, Phong Thai, Jochen F. Mueller,Chlorinated paraffins in indoor dust from Australia: Levels, congener patterns and preliminary assessment of human exposure.Science of the Total Environment,2019,(682):318-323.
- [5]Chang He*,Xianyu Wang, Shaoyu Tang, Phong Thai, Zongrui Li, Christine Baduel, Jochen F. Mueller.,Concentration of organophosphate esters and their specific metabolites in food in southeast Queensland, Australia: is dietary exposure an important pathway of organophosphate esters and their metabolites?.Environmental Science & Technology,2018,(52):12765-12773.
- [6]Chang He#*,Karin English#, Christine Baduel, Phong Thai, Paul Jagals, Robert S. Ware, Yan Li, Xianyu Wang, Peter D. Sly, Jochen F. Mueller,Concentrations of organophosphate flame retardants and plasticizers in urine from young children in Queensland, Australia and associations with environmental and behavioural factors..Environmental Research,2018,(164):262-270.
- [7]Chang He*,Leisa-Maree L. Toms, Phong Thai, Nele van den Eede, Xianyu Wang, Yan Li, Christine Baduel, Fiona A. Harden, Amy L. Heffernan, Peter Hobson, Adrian Covaci, Jochen F. Mueller,Urinary metabolites of organophosphate flame retardants: concentrations and age trends in Australian children.Environment International,2018,(111):124-130.
- [8]Chang He*,Xianyu Wang, Phong Thai, Christine Baduel, Christie Gallen, Andrew Banks, Paul Bainton, Karin English, Jochen F. Mueller,Organophosphate and brominated flame retardants and plasticizers in Australian indoor environments: levels, sources and preliminary assessment of human exposure..Environmental Pollution,2018,(235):670-679.
- [9]Chang He*,Xianyu Wang, Phong Thai, Jochen F. Mueller, Christie Gallen, Yan Li, Christine Baduel.,Development and validation of a multi-residue method for the analysis of brominated and organophosphate flame retardants in indoor dust.Talanta,2017,(164):503-510.
- [10]Chang He,Jun Jin*, Guangyao Li, Ying Wang,Exchange of organohalogen compounds between air and tree bark in the Yellow River region.Chemosphere,2016,(153):478-484.
- [11]Chang He,Jun Jin*, Ying Wang, Zhaohui Ma, Songjie He, Mingyuan Li,Polybrominated diphenyl ethers, dechlorane plus, and polychlorinated biphenyls in tree bark near the Yellow River, China.Environmental Toxicology & Chemistry,2014,(33):1732-1738.
- [12]Chang He,Jun Jin*, Bailin Xiang, Ying Wang, Zhaohui Ma,Upper Yellow River air concentrations of organochlorine pesticides estimated from tree bark and their relationship with socioeconomic indices.Journal of Environmental Sciences,2014,(26):593-600.
- [13]He Chang,金军*,马召辉,王英,扎西卓玛,马丽花,青海省西宁市与天峻县大气中得克隆与十溴联苯醚的水平与来源.环境科学,2013,(3):1129-1135.
- [14]He Chang,金军*,吴辉,王英,李光耀,田旸,固相萃取-气相色谱-质谱法测定树皮中卤代阻燃剂.分析化学,2013,(11):1681-1687.
- [15]Zongrui Li,Chang He, Jing Yang, Tianrui Gao, Yichao Huang,Lin Tao*,Is e-waste a source of phthalate and novel non-phthalate plasticizers? A comparison study on indoor dust.Science of the Total Environment,2023,(857):159558.
- [16]Yan Li*,Xianyu Wang, Ruby Yeh, Lesa L. Aylward, Chang He, Jeroen Douwes, Soo Cheng, Andrea Mannetje, Jean Feary McKenzie, Jochen F. Mueller,Pesticide exposure in New Zealand School-aged children: urinary concentrations of biomarkers and assessment of predictors/factors.Environment International,2022,(163):107206.
- [17]Zhineng Wu, Chang He, Honghong Lyu,Xiaodong Ma*, Xinyu Dou, Quanli Man, Gengbo Ren, Yuanyuan Liu, Yadi Zhang,Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and polybrominated diphenyl ethers in urban road dust from Tianjin, China: pollution characteristics and a health risk assessment.Sustainable Cities and Society,2022,(81):103847.
- [18]Shaofeng Sui, Yanxin Gao, Tao Yuan, Chang He, Cheng Peng, Yan Wang,Zhiyan Liu*,Pollution characteristics and health risk assessment of PM2.5-bound arsenic: a 7-year observation in the urban area of Jinan. China.Environmental Geochemistry and Health,2022,(44):4619–4630.
- [19]Andrew Banks*,Xianyu Wang, Chang He, Michael Gallen, Kevin V. Thomas, Jochen F. Mueller,Off-gassing of semi-volatile organic compounds from a firefighters’ uniforms in private vehicles – a pilot study..International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health,2021,(18):3030.
- [20]Julia Jasonsmith*,Xin Liu, Craig Strong, Xianyu Wang, Chang He, John Leys,Dust from rural Australia as a potential source of persistent organic pollutants to the southern hemisphere.Australian Bulletin of Ecotoxicology and Environmental Chemistry,2021,(7):1-16.
- [21]Andrew Banks*,Xianyu Wang, Michelle Engelsman, Chang He, Andres Osorio, Jochen Mueller,Assessing decontamination and laundering processes for the removal of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and flame retardants from firefighting uniforms.Environmental Research,2021,(194):110616.
- [22]Zhineng Wu*,Chang He, Wei Han, Jie Song, Huijun Li, Yadi Zhang, Xiaohua Jing, Weidong Wu,Exposure pathways, levels and toxicity of polybrominated diphenyl ethers in humans: A review.Environmental Research,2020,(187):109531.
- [23]Xiaofei Song,Qiongfang Zhou,Shaoyu Tang*, Tianfa Xie, Zhiyuan Chen, Zhijun Zang, Yanan Zhang, Xiaojun Niu, Hua Yin, Feng Zeng, Chang He,Concentrations of phthalate metabolites in blood and semen and the potential effects on semen concentration and motility among residents of the Pearl River Delta region in China.Emerging Contaminants,2020,(6):39-43.
- [24]Andrew Banks*,Michelle Engelsman, Chang He, Xianyu Wang, Jochen F. Mueller,The occurrence of PAHs and flame-retardants in air and dust from Australian fire stations..International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene,2020,(17):73-84.
- [25]Louise M. van Mourik*,Leisa-Maree L. Toms, Chang He, Andrew Banks, Peter Hobson, Pim E.G. Leonards, Jacob de Boer, Jochen F. Mueller,Evaluating age and temporal trends of chlorinated paraffins in pooled serum collected from males in Australia between 2004 and 2015.Chemosphere,2020,(444):125574.
- [26]Shaofeng Sui,Jack Ng, Yanxin Gao, Cheng Peng, Chang He, Guoling Wang,Zhiyan Liu*,Pollution characteristics and chronic health risk assessment of metals and metalloids in ambient PM2.5 in Licheng District, Jinan, China.Environmental Geochemistry and Health,2020,(42):1803-1815.
- [27]Karin English*,Yan Li, Paul Jagals, Robert S. Ware, Xianyu Wang, Chang He, Jochen F. Mueller, Peter D. Sly,Development of a questionnaire-based insecticide exposure assessment method and comparison with urinary insecticide biomarkers in young Australian children.Environmental Research,2019,(178):108613.
- [28]Xianyu Wang*,Andrew Banks, Chang He, Christie Gallen, Daniel Drage, Yan Li, Qingbo Li, Phong Thai, Jochen F. Mueller,Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, polychlorinated biphenyls and legacy and current pesticides in indoor environment in Australia - occurrence, sources and exposure risks.Science of Total Environment,2019,(693):133588.
- [29]Yan Li*,Xianyu Wang, Leisa-Maree L. Toms, Chang He, Peter Hobson, Peter D. Sly, Jochen F. Mueller,Pesticide Metabolite Concentrations in Queensland Pre-schoolers – Exposure Trends Related to Age and Sex Using Urinary Biomarkers.Environmental Research,2019,(176):108532.
- [30]Xiaofei Song,Shaoyu Tang, Haimin Zhu, Zhiyuan Chen, Zhijun Zang, Yanan Zhang, Xiaojun Niu, Xiaojun Wang, Hua Yin,Feng Zeng*, Chang He,Biomonitoring PFAAs in blood and semen samples: Investigation of a potential link between PFAAs exposure and semen mobility in China.Environment International,2018,(113):50-54.
- [31]Shaoyu Tang,Hao Liu,Hua Yin*, Xintong Liu, Hui Peng, Guining Lu, Zhi Dang, Chang He,Effect of 2,2’,4,4’-tetrabromodiphenyl ether (BDE-47) and its metabolites on cell viability, oxidative stress, and apoptosis of HepG2.Chemosphere,2018,(193):978-988.
- [32]王会霞,马玉龙,李光耀,金军*,He Chang,李秋旭,王英,黄河流域有机氯农药的浓度水平及污染特征.环境科学与技术,2017,(40):160-166.
- [33]Qiuxu Li,Jun Jin*,Yao Lu, Guangyao Li, Chang He, Ying Wang, Peng Li,Jicheng Hu,Polybrominated diphenyl ethers and new polybrominated flame retardants in tree bark from western areas of China.Environmental Toxicology & Chemistry,2016,(35):1364-1370.
- [34]Qiuxu Li,Yao Lu,Jun Jin*, Guangyao Li, Peng Li, Chang He, Ying Wang,Comparison of using polyurethane foam passive samplers and tree bark samples from Western China to determine atmospheric organochlorine pesticide.Journal of Environmental Sciences,2016,(41):90-98.
- [35]孙一鸣,徐萌,李光耀,He Chang,王英,田旸,金军*,凝胶渗透色谱-气相色谱-质谱法测定人乳中卤代有机化合物.化学通报,2015,(78):170-176.
- [36]李秋旭,He Chang,马召辉,马丽花,扎西卓玛,王英,金军*,青海省西宁市和天峻县大气颗粒物中有机氯农药和类二噁英多氯联苯的水平与分布.环境科学,2015,(36):402-407.
- [37]李光耀,金军*,He Chang,王英,马召辉,李明圆,黄河表层沉积物中类二噁英多氯联苯水平分布.环境科学,2014,(35):3358-3364.
- [38]Songjie He,Mingyuan Li,Jun Jin*, Ying Wang, Chang He, Yunjie Bu, Yang Tian,Determination of new halogenated flame retardants in human serum by gel permeation chromatography-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry.Chinese Journal of Analytical Chemistry,2012,(40):1519-1523.
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