Personal Information
Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Date of Employment:
2015-12-14 -
环境科学与工程学院 -
Education Level:
研究生毕业/硕士 -
Male -
Contact Information:
chenzhf@gdut.edu.cn -
Doctor of Science -
Professional Title:
副教授 -
On-the-job -
Teacher College:
School of Environmental Science and Engineering -
Environmental science
Academic Honor:
Honors and Titles:
2022年广东工业大学环境科学与工程学院永安环保优秀毕业论文奖(指导学生获奖) ;2021-09-29elected:
2021年第七届全国生态毒理学大会“化学物质的生态危害和健康效应”专题学术讨论会优秀报告人 ;2022-01-01elected:
2020-2021学年度广东工业大学教学优秀奖二等奖 ;2019-04-28elected:
2019年第六届全国生态毒理学大会“研究生论坛”优秀展板奖(指导学生获奖) ;2019-11-09elected:
2019年“北控水务杯”第二届中国“互联网+”生态环境创新创业大赛优胜奖(指导学生获奖) ;2018-01-01elected:
2017年广东工业大学先进科技工作者 ;2013-11-21elected:
2013年联合利华-中国科学院环境化学科研奖 ;2013-12-31elected:
2013年中国教育部博士研究生国家奖学金 ;2014-06-26elected:
Other Contact Information:
510006 -
广东省广州市番禺区大学城外环西路100号工学三号馆 -
Scientific Research
Current position: Home > Scientific Research
Research Field
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Paper Publications
MORE- Zhi-Feng Chen*,Zhi-Cheng Lin,Si-Qi Lu,Xiao-Fan Chen,Xiao-Liang Liao,Zenghua Qi,Zongwei Cai*,Azole-induced color vision deficiency associated with thyroid hormone signaling: An integrated in vivo, in vitro, and in silico study.Environmental Science & Technology,2022,56(18):13264-13273.
- Zhi-Feng Chen,Guang-Guo Ying*,You-Sheng Liu,Qian-Qian Zhang,Jian-Liang Zhao,Shuang-Shuang Liu,Jun Chen,Feng-Jiao Peng,Hua-Jie Lai,Chang-Gui Pan,Triclosan as a surrogate for household biocides: An investigation into biocides in aquatic environments of a highly urbanized region.Water Research,2014,58269-279.
- Zhi-Feng Chen,Guang-Guo Ying*,Yu-Xia Jiang,Bin Yang,Hua-Jie Lai,You-Sheng Liu,Chang-Gui Pan,Fu-Qiang Peng,Photodegradation of the azole fungicide fluconazole in aqueous solution under UV-254: Kinetics, mechanistic investigations and toxicity evaluation.Water Research,2014,5283-91.
- Zhi-Feng Chen,Guang-Guo Ying*,Occurrence, fate and ecological risk of five typical azole fungicides as therapeutic and personal care products in the environment: A review.Environment International,2015,84142-153.
- Yanyan Chen,Yuanyuan Song,Yi-Jie Chen,Yanhao Zhang,Ruijin Li,Yujie Wang,Zenghua Qi,Zhi-Feng Chen*,Zongwei Cai*,Contamination profiles and potential health risks of organophosphate flame retardants in PM2.5 from Guangzhou and Taiyuan, China.Environment International,2020,134105343.
- Xiao-Fan Chen,Zhi-Cheng Lin,Zenghua Qi,Zongwei Cai,Zhi-Feng Chen*,Effects of pollutant toxicity on the eyes of aquatic life monitored by visual dysfunction in zebrafish: A review.Environmental Chemistry Letters,2022,
- Wen-Wen Wei,Yuanhong Zhong,Ting Zou,Xiao-Fan Chen,Li Ren,Zenghua Qi,Guoguang Liu,Zhi-Feng Chen*,Zongwei Cai*,Fe3O4-assisted laser desorption ionization mass spectrometry for typical metabolite analysis and localization: Influencing factors, mechanisms, and environmental applications.Journal of Hazardous Materials,2020,388121817.
- Zhi-Feng Chen,Hong-Biao Wen,Xiaoxin Dai,Shi-Chao Yan,Hui Zhang,Yan-Yan Chen,Zhiyun Du,Guoguang Liu,Zongwei Cai*,Contamination and risk profiles of triclosan and triclocarban in sediments from a less urbanized region in China.Journal of Hazardous Materials,2018,357376-383.
- Yuanhong Zhong,Zhi-Feng Chen*,Shuang-Shuang Liu,Xiaoxin Dai,Xinping Zhu,Guangming Zheng,Shugui Liu,Guangguo Liu,Zongwei Cai,Analysis of azole fungicides in fish muscle tissues: Multi-factor optimization and application to environmental samples.Journal of Hazardous Materials,2017,324535-543.
- Yan Lu,Zhi-Feng Chen*,Yi-Jie Chen,Ying-Zao Xu,Yanyan Chen,Xiaoxin Dai,Li Yao,Zenghua Qi,Zongwei Cai*,Distribution and risk assessment of hexachlorobutadiene, pentachloroanisole, and chlorobenzenes in sediment and wild fish from a region affected by industrial and agricultural activities in South China.Journal of Hazardous Materials,2021,417126002.
- 眼动反应装置及诱发系统
- 趋光性检测装置
- 一种可控合成不同微观形貌纳米磁铁矿的方法
- 一种含铬磁铁矿纳米棒的制备方法及其异相UVA‒LED/Fenton催化性能应用
- 一种基于QuEChRS方法的快速检验尿液中有机磷酸酯阻燃剂及其代谢物的检测方法
Published Books
- No content
Research Projects
- 三氯生诱导斑马鱼眼毒性的作用机制研究,,在研,陈智锋
- 典型唑类抗真菌剂在斑马鱼中的富集代谢规律及其性腺激素干扰效应研究,,已结题,国家自然科学基金委员会,Zhi-Feng Chen
- 典型工业生产过程中有机磷酸酯阻燃剂的暴露特征研究,,在研,陈智锋
- 常用杀菌剂在珠三角水环境中的污染特征及其对鱼类的生物富集影响,,已结题,Zhi-Feng Chen
- 水环境中典型微塑料与多环芳烃及其羟基衍生物的相互作用机制研究,,在研,陈智锋
- 常用杀菌剂在环境中的污染行为及其生态毒理研究,,已结题,Zhi-Feng Chen
- 场地土壤环境基准推导及表征关键技术,,在研,中国科技部Zhi-Feng Chen
- 粤港澳污染物暴露与健康联合实验室,,在研陈智锋
- 基于斑马鱼模型研究唑类抗真菌剂的生殖毒性机制,,在研,Zhi-Feng Chen