The Last Update Time: 2023.2.28
何东,中国科学院博士,清华大学博士后,目前担任广东工业大学讲师,青年百人引进人才。近五年参与国家重点专项,广东省重点专项,国家自然科学基金等科研项目。主要研究方向为传统食品资源中活性物质的挖掘与组分间相互作用研究,目前对大鲵软骨素及软骨多肽的功能挖掘与机理解析、益生菌发酵制品的组分相互机理及功能挖掘与解析等方向进行了系统和深入的研究,初步筛选出能够缓解溃疡性结肠炎以及缓解高尿酸血症的多肽及多酚物质。曾担任北京紫金鲵股份有限公司公司、洛阳华清天木生物科技有限公司、北京碧澄生物科技有限公司技术顾问,部分成果在北京紫金鲵股份有限公司转化应用,取得良好的社会经济效益。在 Trends in Food Science & Technology,Journal of functional foods、Food chemisitry、Food Science and Human Wellness等期刊发表论文十余篇;申请国家发明专利8项。有关大鲵及杜仲的研究在Food Science and Human Wellness杂志以封面形式刊出。
1. 发表文章(一作或者共一作者)及发明专利
uDong he, Wenzeng,et al. Isolation and characterization of novel peptides from fermented products of Lactobacillus for ulcerative colitis prevention and treatment,Food Science and Human Wellness,2021(已接收)
uYuting Li , Dong H , Bing L D , et al. Engineering polyphenols with biological functions via polyphenol-protein interactions as additives for functional foods[J]. Trends in Food Science & Technology, 2021.(共同一作)
uDong He, Xue Peng, et al. Increased stability and intracellular antioxidant activity of chlorogenic acid depend on its molecular interaction with wheat gluten hydrolysate,Food chemistry, 2020, 325:126873.
uDong He, et al.Identification and characterization of alcohol-soluble components from wheat germ-apple fermented by Lactobacillus sp. capable of preventing ulcerative colitis of dextran sodium sulfate-induced mice. Journal of Functional Foods.2019, JFF-D-19-01595R1.
uYi-FanXing, DongHe, et al. Chemical Constituents, Biological Functions and Pharmacological Effects for Comprehensive Utilization of Eucommia ulmoides Oliver. Food Science & Human Wellness,2019,8(2):1-2 (共同一作)
uDong He, et al. Nutritional and medicinal characteristics of Chinese giant salamander (Andrias davidianus) for applications in healthcare industry by artificial cultivation: a review. Food Science and Human Wellness.2018,7(1):1-10
uWen Luo, Dong He, et al. Effect of Propeptide Variation on Properties of Rhizomucor miehei Lipase. Journal of Biobased Materials and Bioenergy, 2018,12(4), 330–338. (共同一作)
uDong He, et al. Establishment and application of a modified membrane-blot assay for Rhizomucor miehei lipases aimed at improving their methanol tolerance and thermostability. Enzyme & Microbial Technology, 2017, 102:35-40.
uDong He, et al. Combined use of GAP and AOX1 promoter and optimization of conditions to enhance the expression of Rhizomucor miehei lipase in Pichia pastoris. Journal of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology. 2015:1-8
u一种分泌型脂肪酶基因工程菌的膜印迹高通量筛选方法: 201410576815.4. 2015-04-09 (已授权)
u一种利用双分子标记鉴定蓖麻种子品种真实性的方法及试剂盒,授权号:ZL 201110440718.9(已授权)
u复合酶法制备曲酸双棕榈酸酯的制备方法,201510793934.X (已授权)
2. 科研与项目经历:
u参与2016~2020年国家重点研发计划课题“典型生物处理条件下特征组分分子间相互作用与品质功能调控机制” (NO: 2016YFD0400203-4);
中国科学院大学 生物质生化转化 PhD Doctor of Engineering
清华大学 化工系 博士后
Telephone: 18825045829
Description of Research Group:主要研究植物精油、花香等芳香成分的生理功能及应用