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Supervisor of Master's Candidates

Date of Employment:2006-07-01



Contact Information:yiming@gdut.edu.cn

Degree:Doctor of Engineering




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Current position: Home >> Scientific Research >> Paper Publications
Block diagonal representation learning for robust subspace clustering.


Journal:Information Sciences

Key Words:Keywords:Subspace clustering, Robustness, Spectral clustering, Block diagonal, Similarity matrix

Abstract:Subspace clustering groups a set of data into their underlying subspaces according to the low-dimensional subspace structure of data. The performance of spectral clustering-based approaches heavily depends on the learned block diagonal structure of the affinity matrix. However, this structure is fragile in the presence of noise within data. As such, the clustering performance is degraded significantly. On the other hand, in practice, we often do not have a prior knowledge of error distribution at all, which results in that we cannot model the error with suitable norms. To this end, in this paper, we propose a robust block diagonal representation learning for subspace clustering. Specifically, a non-convex regularizer is directly utilized to constrain the affinity matrix for exploiting the block diagonal structure. Furthermore, we use a penalty matrix to adaptively weight the reconstruction error so that we can handle noise without prior knowledge. We also devise an effective method to compute the parameters related to this matrix, reducing the complexity of the parameter trains. Experimental results show that our method outperformed the state-of-the-art methods on both synthetic data and real-world datasets.

Co-author:Jiawen Huang,Ruichu Cai,Zhifeng Hao

First Author:Lijuan Wang

Indexed by:Journal paper

Correspondence Author:Ming Yin

Issue:2020, 526 (7)

Page Number:54–67

Translation or Not:no

Date of Publication:2020-07-01