[2] Jiejing Kong#, Chunli Jiang#, Zebao Rui, Senhong Liu, Fenglian Xian, Weikang Ji, Hongbing Ji*, Photothermocatalytic synergistic oxidation: an effective way to overcome the negative water effect on supported noble metal catalysts for VOCs oxidation, Chem. Eng. J., 2020, 397, 125485.
上一条: [1] Jiejing Kong, Ziwei Xiang, Guiying Li, Taicheng An*, Introduce oxygen vacancies into CeO2 catalyst for enhanced coke resistance during photothermocatalytic oxidation of typical VOCs, Appl. Catal. B-Environ., 2020, 269, 118755.
下一条: [3] Jiejing Kong, Guiying Li, Meicheng. Wen, Jiangyao Chen, Hongli Liu, Taicheng An*, The synergic degradation mechanism and photothermocatalytic mineralization of typical VOCs over PtCu/CeO2 ordered porous catalysts under simulated solar irradiation, J. Catal., 2019, 370, 88-96.