- 硕士生导师
- 所在单位:自动化学院
- 性别:女
- 联系方式:xinchen@gdut.edu.cn
- 学位:理学博士学位
- 在职信息:在职
- 所属院系:自动化学院
陈新,博士,副教授,硕士研究生导师。2016年8月由广东工业大学“青年百人”人才计划引进,广东省物联网重点实验室、广东工业大学智能信息处理研究所成员。长期从事组学大数据、大规模生物分子网络调控、肿瘤分子标志物相关研究。近期研究兴趣包括:1) 单细胞及空间转录组复杂转录调控网络角度下的肿瘤微环境异质性研究; 2) 肿瘤预后相关新型分子标志物的识别; 3) 分子标志物相关数据库建设。目前已发表论文20余篇,申请发明专利8项,主持国家自然科学青年项目1项、广东省自然科学基金面上项目2项,广州市基础与应用基础研究项目1项,并作为主要参与人参加多项国家级及省部级项目。
[1] 基于单细胞ceRNA网络的乳腺癌细胞异质性研究, 国家自然科学基金青年基金,批准号:62003094, 24万, 2021.01—2023.12.
[2] 基于单细胞转录后调控ceRNA网络的乳腺癌瘤内细胞异质性研究, 广州市基础与应用基础研究项目(博士青年科技人员类),
项目编号:202102020573, 5万, 2021.04—2023.03.
[3] 基于多组学大数据和临床信息优选乳腺癌的预后标记, 广东省自然科学基金面上项目, 批准号:2019A1515011377,10万,2019.10-2022.09.
[4] 基于多来源转录组大数据和临床病理信息识别乳腺癌的预后标志物,广东省自然科学基金面上项目, 批准号:2018A0303130080, 10万,
[1] CCF开源创新大赛暨第二届Bio-OS开源开放大赛AI算法赛道,三等奖(奖金5000元),2024年。
[2] "华为杯"第二十一届中国研究生数学建模竞赛,全国三等奖 ,2024年。
[1] Tan Y#, He Y#, Xu Y, Qiu X, Liu G, Liu L, Jiang Y, Li M, Sun W, Xie Z, Huang Y, Chen X*, Xuechao Yang*. Identification of pain-related long non-coding RNAs for pulpitis prediction. Clin Oral Invest, 2025, 29(75). (SCI 2区, IF=3.1)
[2] Qirui Zhou, Chaowen Li, Chao Chen,Mingyue Li,Jiabei Liu, Weijun Sun, Zongmeng Zhang, Songqing Gu, Yishan Cai, Yonghui Huang, Hongtao Liu, Chao Yang, Xin Chen*. Path-MGCN: a pathway activity based multi-view graph convolutional network for determining spatial domains with attention mechanism. Preprint, 2024, https://doi.org/10.21203/rs.3.rs-4481813/v1. (under review in Genome Biology)
[3] Liu J#, Yu Y#, Li M, Wu Y, Chen W, Liu G, Liu L, Lin J, Peng C, Sun W, Wu X*, and Chen X*. PMBC: a manually curated database for prognostic markers of breast cancer, Database (Oxford), 2024:baae033. (SCI 4区, IF=5.8)
[4] Peng C, Huang J, Li M, Liu G, Liu L, Lin J, Sun W, Liu H, Huang Y*, Chen X*. Uncovering periodontitis-associated markers through the aggregation of transcriptomics information from diverse sources, Frontiers in Genetics, 2024,15. (SCI 3区, IF=3.7)
[5] Wu X, Gu J, Zou Z, Yu M, Zhang C, Xiao Q, Chen X*, and Li C*. Suppressive Effects of Isofraxidin on Depressive-like Behaviors Induced by Chronic Unpredictable Mild Stress in Mice, Brain Sciences, 2022, 12(10):1376-1387. (SCI 3区, IF=3.3)
[6] Hu L#, Chen X#, Narwade N#, Lim M, Chen Z, Tennakoon C, Guan P, Chan U, Zhao Z, Deng M, Xu X, Sung W*, and Cheung E*. Single-Cell Analysis Reveals Androgen Receptor Regulates the ER-to-Golgi Trafficking Pathway with CREB3L2 to Drive Prostate Cancer Progression, Oncogene, 2021. (co-first, Nature子刊,SCI 1区, TOP期刊,IF=9.87)
[7] Zhang H, Shao Y, Chen W, and Chen X*. Identifying mitochondrial related genes NDUFA10 and NDUFV2 as prognostic markers for prostate cancer through biclustering, BioMed Research International, 2021, 2021:5512624. (SCI 3区, IF=3.41)
[8] Chen X#, Xu J#, Zeng F, Yang C, Sun Wei, Yu T and Li Y*. Inferring Cell Subtypes and LncRNA Function by Cell Specific CeRNA Network in Breast Cancer, Frontiers in Oncology, 2021, 11:656675. (SCI 2区, IF=6.24)
[9] Zhang W, Chen X, Sun W, Nie T, Quanquin N, Sun Y*. Escherichia Coli Increases its ATP Concentration in Weakly Acidic Environments Principally through the Glycolytic Pathway, Genes (Basel), 2020, 11(9):991. (SCI 3区, IF=3.33)
[10] Chen X, Hu L, Wang Y, Sun W and Yang C*. Single Cell Gene Co-Expression Network Reveals FECH/CROT Signature as a Prognostic Marker, Cells, 2019, 8(7). (SCI 2区, IF=4.37)
[11] Verma A, Lam Y, Leung Y, Hu X, Chen X, Cheung E, Tam K. Combined use of arginase and dichloroacetate exhibits anti-proliferative effects in triple negative breast cancer cells, J Pharm Pharmacol, 2019, 71(3):306-315. (SCI 3区, IF:2.57)
[12] Chen X, Miao Z, Divate M, Zhao Z and Cheung E*. KM-Express: An integrated online patient survival and gene expression analysis tool for the identification and functional characterization of prognostic markers in breast and prostate cancers, Database (Oxford), 2018, doi: 10.1093/database/bay069. (SCI 3区, IF: 3.98)
[13] Chen X, Yang Z, Yang C, Xie K, Sun W, and Xie S*. Sparse Gene Coexpression Network Analysis Reveals EIF3J-AS1 as a Prognostic Marker for Breast Cancer, Complexity, 2018, doi: 10.1155/2018/1656273. (SCI 2区, IF: 4.62)
[14] Yan L, Jiang B, Li E, Wang X, Ling Q, Zheng D, Woo J, Chen X, Cheung E, Du X, Li Y, Cheng G, He E, Xu R*. Scalable Generation of Mesenchymal Stem Cells from Human Embryonic Stem Cells in 3D, International Journal of Biological Sciences, 2018, 14(10):1196-1210. (SCI 2区, IF: 4.86)
[15] Lingadahalli S, Jadhao S, Sung YY, Chen M, Hu L, Chen X, Cheung E*. Novel lncRNA LINC00844 Regulates Prostate Cancer Cell Migration and Invasion Through AR Signaling, Mol Cancer Res, 2018, 16(12):1865-1878. (SCI 2区, IF: 4.6)
[16] Zhu D#, Zhao Z#, Cui G, Chang S, Hu L, See Y, Lim M, Guo D, Chen X, Robson P, Luo Y, Cheung E*. Single-Cell Transcriptome Analysis Reveals Estrogen Signaling Coordinately Augments One- Carbon, Polyamine, and Purine Synthesis in Breast Cancer, Cell Reports, 2018, 25(8): 2285-2298. (SCI 1区, IF: 8.03)
[17] Su Z, Zhang Y, Liao B, Zhong X, Chen X, Wang H, Guo Y, Shan Y, Wang L, Pan G*. Antagonism between the transcription factors NANOG and OTX2 specifies rostral or caudal cell fate during neural patterning transition, J Biol Chem, 2018, 293(12):4445-4455. (SCI 2区, IF:4.01)
[18] Chen X, Yang C, Xie S, Cheung E*. Long non-coding RNA GAS5 and ZFAS1 are prognostic markers involved in translation targeted by miR-940 in prostate cancer, Oncotarget, 2017, 9(1): 1048-1062. (SCI 2区, IF: 5.62)
[19] Huang K, Du J, Ma N, Liu J, Wu P, Dong X, Meng M, Wang W, Chen X, Shi X, Chen Q, Yang Z, Chen S, Zhang J, Li Y, Li W, Zheng Y, Cai J, Li P, Sun X, Wang J, Pei D*, Pan G*. GATA2(-/-) human ESCs undergo attenuated endothelial to hematopoietic transition and thereafter granulocyte commitment, Cell Regeneration, 2015, 4(1):4. (SCI 4区, IF: 0.26)
[20] Li Y#, Li W#, Chen X#, Jiang H, Sun J, Chen H, Lv S*. Integrated analysis identifies interaction patterns between small molecules and pathways. Biomed Research International, 2014, 2014: 931825. (co-first, SCI 3区, IF:2.19)
[21] Li Y , Huang T , Xiao Y, Ning S, Wang P, Wang Q, Chen X, Chaohan X, Sun D, Li X, Li Y*. Prioritising risk pathways of complex human diseases based on functional profiling, European Journal Human Genetics, 2013, 21(6): 666-72. (SCI 2区, IF: 4.23)
[22] Chen X#, Jiang W#, Wang Q, Huang T, Wang P, Li Y, Lv Y, Li X*. Systematically characterizing and prioritizing chemosensitivity related gene based on Gene Ontology and protein interaction network, BMC Medical Genomics, 2012, 5(1):43. (SCI 3区, IF:3.47)
[23] Lv S#, Xu Y#, Chen X#, Li Y, Li R, Wang Q, Li X*, Su B*. Prioritizing Cancer Therapeutic Small Molecules by Integrating Multiple OMICS Datasets, OMICS-A Journal of Integrative Biology, 2012, 16(10):552-559. (co-first, SCI 3区, IF:2.73)