40. Liting Jiang, Guofeng Che*, Haibo Chen, Ground state solutions for the Chern--Simons--Schr\"{o}dinger system with Hartree--type nonlinearity in R2, Journal of Applied Analysis and Computation. (Accepted) (2025). (SCI)
上一条: 41. Shanni Zhu, Guofeng Che*, Haibo Chen, Existence and asymptotic behavior of normalized solutions for Choquard equations with Kirchhoff perturbation, Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Serie A. Matemáticas. 119 (2) (2025). (SCI)
下一条: 38. Liting Jiang, Guofeng Che*, Tsung-fang Wu, Multiple solutions for the Chern--Simons--Schrödinger equation with indefinite nonlinearities in R2, Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics. 21 (2024) 197. (SCI)