[11] Y. Zhang, R. Yu, M. Nekovee, Y. Liu, S. L. Xie, and S. Gjessing, "Cognitive Machine-to-Machine Communications: Vision and Potentials for the Smart Grid ", IEEE Network Magazine, vol.26, no.3, pp.6-13, May/June 2012 (IF:7.230,SCI 1 区,ESI 高被引论文).
Release time:2021-03-18 Hits:
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Pre One:[12] R. Yu, Y. Zhang, Y. Liu, S. Gjessing, and M. Guizani, “Securing Cognitive Radio Networks against Primary User Emulation Attacks”, IEEE Network Magazine, vol. 29, no.4, pp. 68-74, July/August, 2015 (IF: 7.230,SCI1区).
Next One:[10] R. Yu, Y. Zhang, Y. Liu, S. L. Xie, L.Y. Song, and M. Guizani, "Secondary Users Cooperation in Cognitive Radio Networks: Balancing Sensing Accuracy and Efficiency", IEEE Wireless Communications Magazine, vol.19, no.2, pp.30-37, April 2012 (IF:8.972, SCI 1区).