
Kailin Xu, Menglin Qian, Jiewu Leng, Jie Bai, Qinglan Li, Zihong Liu, Shijuan Zhong and Suqing Zhao. Direct salinization of trelagliptin from solid forms by mechanochemistry and its mechanism of salts forming [J]. CrystEngComm, 2020, 22, 8256–8265.

发布时间:2024-03-22  点击次数:



上一条:Kailin Xu, Bai Jie, Qing-Lan Li, and Suqing Zhao. Polymorphs and amorphous state of glipizide: preparation and solid-state transformations [J]. Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2021, 110 (4), 1718-1726. 下一条:Jiewu Leng, Pingyu Jiang, Kailin Xu*, Qiang Liu, J. Leon Zhao, Yiyang Bian, Rui Shi. Makerchain: A blockchain with chemical signature for self-organizing process in social manufacturing [J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2019, 234, 767-778.

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