(22) Lei Wang and ShouHong Qiao*. Frobenius REA-groups and their Cayley graphs. Journal of Algebra and Its Applications, 2021, 20(2) , 2150007 (15 pages).
Release time:2021-02-24 Hits:
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Pre One:(23) Z. T. Qiu and S. H. Qiao*, s-Semipermutability of subgroups of p-nilpotent residual and p- supersolubility of a finite group, Journal of Algebra and Its Applications, 2021, 20(7), 2150117 (10 pages).
Next One:(21) Zhichao Gao, Shouhong Qiao, Huaguo Shi, Long Miao*. On p-CAP-subgroups of finite groups. Front. Math. China, 2020, 15(5): 915-921.