- Xuyang Zhao,Qibin Zhao,Toshihisa Tanaka,Jordi Solé-Casals,Guoxu Zhou,Takumi Mitsuhashi,Hidenori Sugano,Noboru Yoshida,Jianting Cao,Classification of the Epileptic Seizure Onset Zone Based on Partial Annotation.Cognitive Neurodynamics,2022,1-11.
- Yihao Luo,Andong Wang*,Guoxu Zhou,Qibin Zhao,A Hybrid Norm for Guaranteed Tensor Recovery.Frontiers in Physics,2022,447.
- Zhi Yu,Yihao Luo,Zhifa Liu,Guoxu Zhou*,Contour information regularized tensor ring completion for realistic image restoration.IET Image Processing,2022,16(13):3499-3506.
- Yuning Qiu,Guoxu Zhou*,Qibin Zhao,Shengli Xie,Noisy tensor completion via low-rank tensor ring.IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems,2022,1-15.
- Dongping Zhang,Yihao Luo,Yuyuan Yu,Qibin Zhao,Guoxu Zhou*,Semi-supervised multi-view clustering with dual hypergraph regularized partially shared non-negative matrix factorization.Science China Technological Sciences,2022,65(6):1349-1365.
- Andong Wang,Qibin Zhao,Zhong Jin,Chao Li,Guoxu Zhou*,Robust tensor decomposition via orientation invariant tubal nuclear norms.Science China Technological Sciences,2022,65(6):1300-1317.
- Xinhai Zhao,Yuyuan Yu,Guoxu Zhou*,Qibin Zhao,Weijun Sun,Fast hypergraph regularized nonnegative tensor ring decomposition based on low-rank approximation.Applied Intelligence,2022,5217684–17707.
- Yuning Qiu,Guoxu Zhou*,Zhenhao Huang,Qibin Zhao,Shengli Xie,Efficient tensor robust PCA under hybrid model of tucker and tensor train.IEEE Signal Processing Letters,2022,29627-631.
- Andong Wang,Guoxu Zhou*,Qibin Zhao,Guaranteed Robust Tensor Completion via ∗L-SVD with Applications to Remote Sensing Data.Remote Sensing,2021,13(18):3671.
- Jinshi Yu,Guoxu Zhou*,Weijun Sun,Shengli Xie,Robust to rank selection: Low-rank sparse tensor-ring completion.IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems,2021,1-15.